Amana Air Filters

Amana Air Filters furnace filters come in many standard sizes, and are interchangeable with other brands that are the same size. While we may not carry the Amana Air Filters brand specifically, we do have size-matched replacements for the filter you need.
For most sizes you will have several options to choose from so you can get a higher quality filter or save a little money with a cost efficient model. Using the drop-down boxes to the left, enter the dimensions from your existing filter.
Amana has been creating home appliances with the consumer in mind for decades. It may be surprising to hear they also produce furnace filters. The filters produced by Amana aren't just any run of the mill filters; they are rated MERV 11, which means they are capable of removing up to 98% of particulates from the air in your office or home. These filters are available in several different sizes to ensure a proper fit for any furnace.
The pleated discount replacement filters for Amana furnaces are electrostatically charged and effective in limiting lint and dust, dust mite debris, pollen, mold spores, vehicle emissions, smoke from cigars and cigarettes and pet dander from the air you breathe. In addition to cleansing the air, the filters work to minimize the amount of dust and filth that covers your air conditioning system. This is helpful because it prolongs the original inner workings of the air conditioner/furnace system and prevents you from having to pay for costly repairs.
The special electrostatically charged media that makes the filter body will not allow the development of mold or mildew, bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms. Amana replacement filters work effectively to reduce common allergens in the air and are an excellent choice in filters for someone who suffers from asthma or other chronic lung diseases.
The Amana discount replacement filters are compatible with genuine OEM Five Seasons and Goodman. In addition, this filter fits Carrier, York, Totaline and Coleman furnaces/air conditioning systems. These genuine replacement filters are capable of catching and containing up to 30% more dust and particles than regular fiberglass filters. The pleated media is up to 98% efficient and are individually bagged so you can dispose of your old filter in the replacement filter bag.
The Amana air cleaner replacement filters contain genuine OEM parts. There is no assembly required; just remove the filter from its bag and place it in the furnace. Amana discount replacement filters are designed to be changed every six months. For safety and the cleanest air possible, make sure to check your filter once per month to ensure it is functioning properly and does not need to be changed.