How Do I Know If My Home AC Filter is Dirty?

Zoomed in air filter

No one wants a dirty AC filter, that’s for sure. An air filter that is not changed recently accumulates dirt, dust, debris and other particles to an extent where it affects both your HVAC system and the air you breathe at home. But how do you know if your AC filter is dirty? Let’s start by going over the top five common signs your air filter needs replacing.

5 Common Signs of a Dirty AC Filter

Sign 1: Your HVAC system takes longer time to heat or cool

A dirty air filter makes it harder for your HVAC system to work more efficiently. Layers of dust, allergens, and debris pile up and sit on the air filter. When this happens, the amount of air that your AC takes in gets restricted, reducing air flow and causing the system to run harder and take longer to condition your home.

Sign 2: Some rooms feel colder or warmer than others

If you feel temperature differences among rooms, it may be due to a dirty filter. Referencing the same reason above, a dirty air filter restricts the airflow in your home. This leads to some rooms feeling warmer or colder than others, and the system takes a longer time to regulate a balance of the preferred temperature.

Sign 3: Dust around the air vents

Dusty air vent

Take a quick look at your air vents. Are they covered with dust? If so, you may want to see if your air filter is dirty. A filter that is clogged with dust and debris releases those particles into the system where most of them settle near the air vents. Not all dusty air vents are due to a dirty filter though, which is why it’s good to check out what is causing it.

Sign 4: Sudden high energy bills

A dirty filter causing your HVAC system to run harder and longer becomes costly for your wallet! You may notice your energy bills being unusually higher than normal. There could be a few reasons behind the spike and a dirty air filter is just one of them.

Sign 5: Unusual odor

Did you know air filters that are covered with dust and dirt are a breeding ground for mold and bacteria? Yuck! As your HVAC system continues to run with an unclean air filter, odors from mold and bacteria are pushed and begin to circulate all over in your home. You definitely don’t want to breathe that in!

What Happens If I Don’t Change My AC Filter?

While it is best to never wait to change out an old air filter, let’s review the top main problems that can occur if you don’t take care of it when you should.

Costly HVAC repairs

Not regularly changing your air filter can damage the HVAC system, leading to costly repairs. An example of what could happen are clamped-up coils. A clogged filter prevents air from flowing properly over the coils, causing them to cease functioning because they are being overworked. Routinely replacing old filters can help preserve the life of your system and help it run more efficiently.

Floating allergens

Clogged with dust, dirt, pollen, and others, a dirty air filter simply can’t trap any more particles. This then leads these allergens to float in your indoor air, triggering allergy symptoms like irritated eyes or throat for most people.

Mold contamination

While it’s natural for mold to be outdoors, it should never be circulating in your indoor air. A dirty filter welcomes mold with open arms because it becomes a breeding ground for it. The longer you leave a dirty filter in your HVAC system, the longer it will stay in your indoor air and eventually cause you to be sick.

Remember to Regularly Change Your AC Filter!

Changing the air filter

Swapping out your dirty air filter with a new one is a requirement for healthy home living. You want to ensure the air you breathe in your home is clean and safe. That’s why at Discount Filters we like to provide high-quality, effective filters like our AIRx air filters. Depending on which filter you choose, they are helpful for trapping dust, pollen, mold spores, odor, and more – keeping your indoor air as healthy as it can be for you and the family you love.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

Can you run the AC without a filter for one night?

Your HVAC should never run without an air filter for more than 6-8 hours. Operating the system for more than those hours can negatively affect both the HVAC itself and your home’s air quality.

Why does my AC filter get dirty so quickly?

If your thermostat’s fan setting is set to “on,” your HVAC system will run 24/7. With this constant airflow, your air filter is continuing to catch airborne contaminants, causing it to get dirtier more quickly.

Can I change the air filter while the AC is running?

For your safety, always make sure to turn off your AC before replacing the filter. Having the system’s power on while replacing the filter is not safe and you also expose yourself to the dust and debris it’s still catching.

Why is my AC filter black after 1 month?

This could be due to a few reasons. Causes of air filters turning black are high dust levels in the home, leaky seals allowing more dirt in, contaminated ductwork, or perhaps it should just be changed more frequently.