The DA29-00020B filter removes many contaminants from your water, like chlorine, lead, and other unwanted minerals. The OEM Samsung replacement has been tested and certified to pass NSF/ANSI Standard 42 and Standard 53, meaning it has been certified to purify your water of chlorine and other impurities. The aftermarket Supco replacement has many of the same features as the OEM, but at a much lower, affordable price. The Swift Green replacement is made from an eco-friendly process and is the lowest priced option that we offer. Don’t let the price fool you, however. The Swift Green has comparable filtering abilities to the OEM. We recommend the aftermarket filters due to their lower pricing and their excellent filtration. The primary difference between the OEM and aftermarket filters is price and NSF/ANSI ratings, though some non-NSF/ANSI rated filters are still constructed with NSF/ANSI rated parts.